User's Agreement

This agreement incorporates the terms and conditions for 3rd Planet Inc to provide services to the person(s)/organization(s) referred as "User/Guest/Purchaser" who have purchased or intending to purchase any product/s and/or services of 3rdPlanet Inc. or using any customer interface channels of 3rdPlanet Inc. which includes its sales persons, offices, advertisements, information campaigns, web site etc.

User's responsibility

The User/s availing any service from 3rdPlanet Inc. shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted all the terms and conditions of this agreement and in addition to this agreement there are certain terms of service specified by third party service provider/s like, public or private transport operators, hotel, guest house & restaurant owners, Government and local administration etc. Such terms of service (TOS) shall be deemed to be a part of this agreement and in the event of any conflict between user and 3rd Planet Inc. such TOS shall prevail. The User shall be required to read and accept the relevant TOS of the service provider. The user may refer to the website of the 3rdparty service provider for such TOS or can request 3rd Planet Inc for such TOS of the 3rd party service provider by sending a mail to

The user is also requested to verify and make sure that all the confirmation vouches, travel documents, invoice etc. issued to him/her are proper; any error omission found should be bring into the notice of organization, issuing authority immediately.

3rd Planet Inc. reserve every right to modify and rectify the documents, voucher, invoice, money receipt, account statement etc. issued to a customer if any inaccuracy found at any point of time.

3rdPlanet Inc is responsible only for the transactions those are done by the User with 3rd Planet Inc & will not be responsible for any other transaction/s even the transaction is legal and valid.

Services provided by 3rd Planet Inc are generally not cover by any insurance either for physical damage or material, whereas 3rd Planet Inc advice all users to obtaining sufficient insurance coverage for their safety; however it is not an obligation to user/s.

If any insurance or assurance is provided as a part of the service/s by3rd Planet Inc., it shall be clearly mention in service voucher and as per the terms and conditions of the insuring company. The User or their legal representative/s shall contact the insurance company directly for any claims or disputes and3rd Planet Inc. does not undertake any responsibility for acceptance of the claims by the insurance company.

The user/s agrees that there can be incomparable circumstances where the service operators like the airlines, hotels, transport providers, and other vendors may be unable to honour the confirmed bookings due to various reasons like climatic conditions, labour unrest, insolvency, Government decisions, operational and technical issues or any other unforeseen circumstances. If 3rd Planet Inc is informed in advance of such situations where dishonour of bookings may happen, it will make its best efforts to provide similar alternative to its customers or refund the booking amount after reasonable service charges, if supported and refunded by that respective service operators. The user agrees that 3rd Planet Inc being a manager, negotiator & mediator for facilitating the booking services and shall not be responsible for any such circumstances and the customers/user have to contact that service provider directly for any further resolutions and refunds.

3rd Planet Inc shall not be liable for delays or inabilities in performance or non-performance in whole or in part of its obligations due to any causes that are not due to its acts of 3rd Planet Inc or beyond its reasonable control; such as fire, strikes, embargo, acts of government, acts of terrorism or other similar causes, problems at airlines, rail, public or private transportation or natural calamities. In such event the user/s shall be given other alternative as the situation permits.

3rd Planet Inc at its sole discretion reserves the right to accept or not to accept any order without assigning any reason thereof. Any contract to provide any service by 3rdPlanet Inc is not complete until full money towards the service is received from the customer and accepted by 3rd Planet Inc.

3rd Planet Inc is unable to verify or authenticate any information provided by the user/s. Only correct and valid information should be provided by user/s while requesting or availing for any services, user/s should not make any misrepresentation of facts any default on part of the user would prohibit user/s to avail services from 3rd Planet Inc.

In the rare possibilities of the reservation/s not getting confirmed due to the act, human error or fault of the organization or its technology; 3rdPlanet Inc will process the refund of the money and intimate uses/s of the same. 3rd Planet Inc is not under any obligation to make another booking in lieu of or to compensate/ replace the unconfirmed one. All subsequent further bookings will be treated as new transactions with no reference to the earlier unconfirmed reservation.

Fees & Taxes :3rd Planet Inc reserves the right to charge certain transaction fees, service tax, service charge, luxury & other taxes based on the service/s use by the user/s. 3rd Planet Inc further reserves the right to alter any and all fees from time to time, without any notice.

(A) Tour, excursion conducted by 3rd Planet Inc are contractual and all arrangements in regard to accommodation ,transportation, sightseeing tour or other trips, food & beverage are predetermine, therefore it cannot be change or alter.

The package rate includes charges for transportation, sightseeing, accommodation, food & guide charges, if not mention otherwise in service voucher 0r agreement. (Please refer Service /Contract Voucher for more detail)

Any increase in Railway / Bus fares/ Ai r fare or implement of any tax, surcharge, levy etc.or increase in fuel price (after declaration date of the package), all such expenses has to be borne by the user/s.

Standard hotels are used for accommodation with basic facilities; type & numbers of room/s allotted to the user/s; as mention in service voucher.

Children’s availing discounted price has to share rooms with their parents without any extra cot, bed or mattress.

Allotments of room/s, seat/s, vehicle/s and set of choices of food are verdict of conducting executive/s depending 0n the local availability.

The vehicle used for land transportation are normally non air conditioned if not mention otherwise and it will reach up to the limit of parking area depending to the dimension of the vehicle, the user may have to walk by foot to reach the exact destination or to board on the vehicle.

Expenses like porter charges, entry fees, fun-rides, subscriptions, donations, offerings etc. all such expenses which are personal in nature should be borne by the tourist.

Accompanying luggage should be light and of essential items and of usual dimension, if it exceed the permissible limit determine by various transport authority then all expenses such as excess luggage charges, porter charges etc. has to be borne by the user/s.

It is advisable that user should not carry any article/s which is declare as prohibited by various Government and other correlated authority, while purchasing any commodities the user/s should keep in mind about the legitimacy of such deal, if any user found violated such rules may be prosecuted, 3rd Planet Inc does not take any responsibility either legal or socially towards the user/s for any unlawful activity carried by the user/s. Moreover 3rd Planet Inc also reserve the right to cancel all contracts carried between 3rd Planet Inc and such user/s without any refund of money or reimbursements.

Tour and excursion conducted by 3rd Planet are not cover by any insurance or assurances; however User/s participating in tour /excursion can opt for various kind of insurance and assurance of their choice by paying the insurance premium charges (in favour of insurance company and obtain necessary documents & proof valid policy).

3rd Planet Inc does not take any liability for any unintended incident such as robbery, burglary, theft or any in-person damage etc. In case of any claim from insurance company, the user himself has to hold all documentation and official job all by himself.

In case of need of any medication, hospitalization and consultant of medical personal or emergency evacuate for medical or any other ground all such expenses has to be borne by the user/s himself, there will be no refund for any unused service/s.

Food items & beverages supply depends on the local availability.

3rd Planet Inc is completely reliant to reservation authority for reservation of seat / berth in public transport vehicle and incapable to provide any particular seat or berth.

All activities during excursion / tour will be carried in normal operational condition, in case of unusual situation such as riot, political demonstration etc. or natural calamities, the activities will be alter or cancel depending on situation, 3rd Planet Inc solely reserve the right to make any such decision, 3rd Planet also solely reserve the right to decide for any refund or provision for refund for any such occurrences.

Charges paid by the user/s are for the service/s describe in the itinerary or service voucher, any expenses occur for any unforeseen situation has to be borne by user/s himself.

In case of total cancellation of the tour/ excursion due to a valid reason, refund will be made after deduction of all expenses carried by 3rd Planet in relation to the alleged tour/ excursion.

3rd Planet Inc reserves the right to alter or reschedule programs / activities for the smooth running of tour /excursion.

If user/s decides to cancel the trip due to any personal reason then following cancellation charge applicable;

Rs 200 + Actual cancellation charges for ticket cancellation.

If cancellation is made before 90days of journey date.

Rs 200/- or 20% of package charge (whichever is higher) + Actual cancellation charges for ticket cancellation.

If cancellation is made between 89 days to 60 days of journey date.

Rs 500/- 0r 40% of package charges (whichever is higher) + Actual cancellation charges for ticket cancellation.

If cancellation is made between 59 days to 30 days of journey date.

Rs 500/- 0r 50%of package charge (whichever is higher) + Actual cancellation charges for ticket.

If cancellation is made between 29 days to 07 days of journey date.

Rs 500/- 0r 70% of package charge (whichever is higher) + Actual cancellation charges for ticket.

If cancellation is made between 06 days to 02 days of journey date

No refund

If cancellation is made on journey date.

(B) 3rd Planet Inc works as an intermediate between user/s and hotel you choose to book. By making a reservation through 3rd Planet, user/s enters into a direct (legally binding) contractual relationship with the hotel/s.

From the point at which user/s make reservation/s, 3rd Planet Inc act solely as an intermediary between user/s and the hotel/s by transmitting the details of reservation to the relevant hotel and sending confirmation to user/s on behalf of the hotel/s.

While rendering our services, the information that we disclose is based on the information provided to us by the hotels. Although we use reasonable skill and care in performing our services but cannot guarantee that, all information is accurate, complete or correct, nor can we be held responsible for any errors (including manifest and topographical errors).

Tariff and plan we charge are pre disclose to the user/s and are contractual with the relevant hotel; however the tariff may vary from any discount offer made by the relevant hotel or any other 3rd Party.
General Cancellation process & N0 show policy:-

  1. User/s can only cancel, postpone or pre-pone the bookings which are refundable bookings. No cancellation is permissible if any booking voucher is mark as non-refundable.
  2. In case booking voucher mark as ‘refundable’ cancellation policy implement as :
    1. 50% of the net amount as cancellation will be deducted charges if cancellation is made prior to 10 days of check-in.
    2. 70% of the net amount as cancellation charges will be deducted if cancellation is made within 10 days to 7 days prior check-in.
    3. No show policy applicable if cancellation is made within 7days of cheek in. No refund is permitted in No show policy.

In case of any dispute between user and 3rd Planet associated to the validity, interpretation, implementation or alleged breach of any provision of the terms and conditions, the dispute shall be referred to a sole arbitrator who shall be an independent identity. The place of arbitration shall be Kolkata jurisdiction. The Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of India.

The maximum liability on part of 3rd Planet Inc arising under any circumstances, with respect to any services offered, shall be limited to the refund of total amount received from the user/s for availing the service/s. In no case shall the liability include any consequential loss, damage or additional expense whatsoever.

Payments, refunds & reimbursements:-
Payment/s can be made by local cheque, demand draft; electronic fund transfer against a valid money receipt issued by 3rd Planet Inc, all cheque/s, demand draft, fund transfer should be made only in favour of:

Account name : “3RD PLANET INC
Account No. 00000000000000000000
Branch aaaaaaaaaa,
IFS code 0000000

N.B While issuing any cheque, bank draft, fund transfer or bank deposit the users should satisfy themselves that all transaction/s are made through the above mention bank account only. It is advisable that user should write account name as 3RD PLANET INC & above mention account number in reverse side of the instrument as a safe guard against any forgery.
3RD PLANET INC never advice any other Bank account as official bank account even with the same account name and refuse to undertake any liability, responsibility or accountability of any such transaction carried by user/s apart from the above mention bank account.

3rd planet does not appoint or approve any other individual or organization for collection of cash / cheque on their behalf.

User should obtain a valid money receipt issued by 3rd Planet Inc against every transaction carried with 3rd Planet Inc, in addition 3rd Planet Inc send an email confirmation to user email id from the official email id of 3rd Planet i.e.< > within the next three hours of receiving any amount. In case user/s does not receive the official email, user/s should officially inform 3rd Planet Inc about the same and satisfy himself about the authenticity and legitimacy of the transaction.

In case of any refund or reimbursement by 3rd planet Inc all payment are made by account payee cheque in favour of the user/s, usually refund procedure takes 15 days, however it may differ if any 3rd party is involve in the refund procedure. Payment will be made after deduction of all applicable charges, fees, penalty, communication & postage charges, etc.

User/s should make all the payments accordingly as mentioned in service/contract voucher or invoice; failing so 3rd planet Inc reserve the right to cancel the deal without any prior notice, partial payment by user/s does not guarantee confirmation of deal.

Usage of the mobile number, E mail address & postal address 0f the user by 3rd Planet inc

3rdPlanet Inc may send booking confirmation, itinerary information, schedule & changes in schedule, cancellation information, refund status, payment information & statements, invoice & billing information, promotional information or any such other information via SMS, E- mail, phone calls or by postage, on the contact information given by the User/s at the time of booking; the User hereby unconditionally consent 3rdplanet Inc and its allies for any such communication/s.

If the user/s does not agree with any of the disclaimers above, they are advised not to proceed further and inform 3rd Planet Inc in writing and return all the documents sent to the user/s within or 24 hours of receiving the same. If the documents are send by email, receiving time is consider as delivery time of email at user’s email account. In case date of commence of service is less than 7working days then user should inform 3rd Planet Inc about their disagreement within three hours of receiving the voucher/s after that any objection by the user will not be accepted.